[錄取] 新加坡MBA申請心得 NUS/NTU(Nanyang)

作者: moneyseven(原文連結)
[申請背景] 台大管院學士畢,歐洲交換學生半年,GPA 3.8 GMAT 710、TOEFL 102 5+ years in brand management and product marketing (FMCG) [申請學校] Applied: NUS, NTU Admitted: NUS, NTU Decision: NUS [前言] 申請過程中覺得資料很有限,主要透過Chasedream論壇找到較多的個別申請經驗分享,自行彙整花了滿多時間。因此決定自己來寫一篇心得,希望能幫助到對新加坡MBA有興趣的台灣人。 考慮家庭因素,希望找一個雙方都能有不錯的職涯發展的國家工作。 有歐美經驗,但比較習慣亞洲的生活,考慮政治、民情、環境等,最後選擇了新加坡。對我而言,MBA是在新加坡找到工作的手段,考慮到學費、時間、班級規模,僅申請NUS與NTU。 [心得] 準備GMAT & TOEFL的期間,滿建議同步參加學校舉辦的info session、coffee chat等,會對Adcom、Alumni的風格都更加了解,之後也好評估選擇哪間學校。 通常會考慮class profile的產業結構,但NUS & NTU我詢問Adcom各產業比例滿相似的。 我選擇NUS的原因如下: 1.國際排名/認可度較高 2.17個月的schedule規劃,有做實習、交換學生的餘裕 3.位置靠近CBD,面試、實習等較方便,生活機能較佳 雖然最後選NUS,但必須說NTU比較小班制,Adcom較能照顧到每個人。 從我第一次交GMAT成績,NTU的Adcom就主動聯絡我約coffee chat,分享NTU MBA program的特色,也聊聊我的total package在申請中的競爭力。中間透過Adcom引薦校友,都非常有效率,態度熱情友善。 相較來說,NUS的Adcom沒有主動聯絡過我。 [Timeline & 面試經驗] 2020/05 – 2020/12 GMAT三戰& TOEFL一戰,都有補習 2020/12 – 2021/01 CV、Essay、推薦信準備,有找顧問協助NUS NUS 1/27 Submit application 2/17 Interview invitation 2/25 Interview 3/10 Offer get 面試30min by Zoom,兩位面試官都是女性,都負責招生,談話的氛圍算舒服,但面試官會期望回答得很深入。 整體面試的流程如下: 1.Self-introduction (必須包含Professional background, Why MBA, Career Goal; 過去的經驗讓你有了特定的career goal,必須透過MBA才能完成) 2.針對自我介紹不清楚的地方追問 e.g. 我提到cross-cultural management,面試官請我舉一個工作上的例子闡釋跨文化合作的困難3.對於雇主們的看法? Corporate culture、各自的優缺點? 喜歡哪一間公司? Why? 4.How will NUS MBA help you to fill in the gap between the current situation and your career goal?5.Do you have any dream company? Why? 對該公司的了解程度? 6.(因為我舉了一間app公司),面試官詢問 As a user, how do you feel about the app? Anything to improve? If you enter that company, how will you improve?7.Can you share an entrepreneur you admire? Why? 8.Besides work, what is your hobby? 9.(因為我講Reading),面試官問 Can you share a book you read recently? And what did you learn? 10.Q&A NTU 1/15 Submit application 1/22 Interview invitation 2/15 Interview 2/18 Offer get 面試15min by Zoom,三位面試官都是男性,一位是招生,一位是Career service,一位則是校友,談話的氛圍滿舒服,比較像已經錄取了、只是在聊職涯發展的可能性XD。 整體面試的流程如下: 1.Self-introduction 2.(因為剛開始新工作不久) 面試官追問我對做一陣子離職的看法 3.Career goal? NTU的面試官感覺更注重可行性 4.Do you have any dream company? 面試官會分享是否有校友在該公司或相關產業 工作 5.因為我過去在日商,且會說日語,面試官推薦我Nanyang-Waseda program 6.Q&A 我有整理NUS面試考古題如下方所列。 我自己認為將考古題答案都想清楚,然後一再練習口說,講得順就ok了。 Self-introduction/ Career goal/ Why MBA 1.Elevator pitch. 2.Give a brief introduction about yourself and in the answer also continue to include why you want to do an MBA in NUS. 3.Why MBA? Why NUS? NUS MBA如何能幫助你達成Career goal? 4.Looking at your profile, what exactly do you feel an MBA will provide which you already don't have? 5.Long-term goal? 6.Immediate goal after MBA? MBA畢業後想在什麼行業、什麼地方,做什麼工作? 說出你畢業後的工作地點選擇、為什麼這麼規劃、想不想留新加坡? 他們需要瞭解你想要從MBA得到什麼,考察你對自己的是否有足夠的認知,所以一定要說服面試官你的規劃是可行的7.如何結合MBA和自己的能力去實現這個目標? 8.What's special about your current employer? 9.Do you want to leave the current employer? 10.Why target at XXX industry, who's your targeted employer? 11.In case after the MBA you are forced to go back to India, how successful would you view your experience to be? 12.A lot of folks in NUS are quite talented. What would make you unique among them? 13.Your difference with other NUS MBA applicants? 14.How can you contribute to the NUS community? 15.Have you applied other schools? Which is the top priority? 16.Have you contacted alumni before? What is your key takeaway? 17.Can you rank the following on what is most important MBA aspect to you - Soft skill training, network, academics? Professional 1.Can you explain to us what is your role in your organization? 2.你崇拜的企業家是哪位?Why? 3.If you have a chance to have coffee with the leader of a leading company, who you would like to invite and what question you will ask him/her?4.說說你工作中最驕傲的成就 5.舉個能夠體現你領導力的例子 6.Teamwork中最重要的是什麼?Team中出現分歧怎麼辦?Leadership experience at work 7.As a team leader, share with us the difference between the time when you were a member years ago versus the leader now. 8.Did you experience any kind of cultural shock when you started working in Japan(I worked for 2 years in Tokyo). What were some of the things you liked in the work culture? 9.企業中遇到哪些cross-cultural conflicts? 你怎麼解決的? 10.如何處理工作中可能會出現的衝突? 11.What do you do when you are faced with skewed view? 12.你在工作中有過很生氣很憤怒的經歷嗎? 為什麼? 13.說一個你的失敗經歷 14.Any experience that your team didn't work well, and what would you differently if give you another opportunity? 15.工作上遇到的最大的批評是什麼? 為什麼會發生? Personal 1.說出你覺得自己最突出的三個特質。 2.How would your friends/peers describe you, and then how would you like to describe yourself?3.用三個詞來形容自己。為什麼選擇這三個詞? 4.Your greatest weakness? 5.說說你是怎麼平衡工作和生活 6.Apart from work what all do you do? 7.平時有什麼愛好? 8.最近在看什麼書?學到什麼東西? 9.Which clubs would you like to join, if selected 10.Explain your experience with the NGO. 11.Any current issue that you have been following (political/social/economic),what is it about and what are your views about it? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: moneyseven ( 臺灣), 03/13/2021 19:21:44
dreamkd: 推 03/13 20:54
wwwbc: 請問NTU是NanYang嗎? 03/13 23:06
是喔 ~ 本文NTU = Nanyang 南洋理工大學,已修標題避免誤會 這所學校關鍵字滿多的,搜尋的時候Nanyang、NBS、南洋、南洋理工都可以試試看
aether982: 很棒~ 想請問原PO怎麼沒考慮Insead? 03/14 05:52
個人不考慮INSEAD的原因如下: 1. 學費 2. 10個月schedule太短,沒有時間做實習 3. Class size太大,能建立Network的廣度/深度有限 4. Class profile - Consulting的比例高,但我自己著重 FMCG/Tech 不過INSEAD Global ranking高,先前接觸的Alumni也都很厲害,而且多校區,還是一間很值得考慮的學校回歸到Why MBA,program的選擇還是看個人的需求 因為我的目的是在新加坡工作,一句話總結就是考量CP值選擇NUS ※ 編輯: moneyseven ( 臺灣), 03/14/2021 13:31:58
nonesense: 謝謝分享,太實用了! 03/15 09:24
crazy1485: 原po申請今年round 1嗎 03/20 21:39
hsieh1993: 推 03/20 21:43
IBERIC: 恭喜學弟!我是南洋MBA校友,新加坡經驗寶貴,任何問題可 03/21 23:01
IBERIC: 以交流交流 ,歡迎加我~ 03/21 23:01
學長好~~其實是學妹哈哈! 已經加LinkedIn,感謝 ※ 編輯: moneyseven ( 臺灣), 03/22/2021 14:58:48
jordan0699: 推!感謝學姐的分享,最近也在考慮去新加坡讀碩士! 04/02 01:44